Politically, I am a moderate conservative. I am able to see both sides of an issue. I am not a believer in the radical viewpoints of either of our political parties. These radical viewpoints reflect the power of the oligarchs that actually rule both the Democratic and Republican Parties. Oligarchy is form of power structure where power rests with either an individual or small group of individuals, who exercise control usually by wealth, religion, or military control. In the USA, most oligarchs rule by wealth. Political analysts have named fifty families who are billionaires who have enough funds to affect US policy. This is not to say all are using their money to influence the government, but they can. They can hire lobbyists, fund political campaigns and run advertisement that serve their individual goals. One man on the list, Elon Musk, uses this power to advance a conservative agenda. His lack of monitoring and controlling the content of his X social platform, allows Russia to introduce fake content that attempts to influence American politics, a direct threat to our democracy. And now, President Trump has given this oligarch power within the government.
I am retired military. I served in both the US. Marine Corps and the U.S. Air Force for 20 years. I am a patriot. I love my country. Even if I do not like a U.S. president personally, I always support the office. Since the President is also the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, what if the President attempts to use the military to take over as a dictator? As a historian, the current political situation in 2024 looks too much like Germany in the 1930’s. Hitler’s lies, threats, and misinformation and the rise of paramilitary organizations, caused the downfall of the Weimar Republic. Is our democracy being threatened?
I have lived through the terms of 15 Presidents. Each had accomplishments, not all good. Some I admired, some I breathed a sigh of relief when they left office. I didn’t worry about my country under any of them. I knew that the USA would survive. But for the first time, I am worried. Are we headed to another Civil War? President Trump threatened retaliation against anyone who defied him and is taking action on his threats. His persecution of General Mark Milley is unforgivable. Our President has taken the role of a dictator and has disgraced the office of President of the United States. The political arena reminds me of a group of 2nd graders calling each other names. I hate it when politicians act like 2nd graders, calling opponents and their families rude or crude names. I held public office, but I never stooped to the level of grossness and indecent behavior of some politicians.
Morally, I am Christian. I believe in the the commandment, “Thou shalt not kill.” I believe that applies to murder, not war. Even God ordered death at times. Read his orders to Joshua. Jesus did not accuse the Romans for crucifying Him or the thieves. In fact, He said “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.” I try to live the Golden Rule and not to judge others.
But I am opposed to the murder of unborn children. A fetus is human, it is not the fetus of any other animal and at term gives birth to a human child. I do not oppose abortion for rape, incest, and where the birth will harm the mother, especially when there are other children. I fear for those who choose it for convenience. How will God judge them? I am not concerned about the aborted infant. God can always place its spirit in another woman’s body if he so chooses. I worry for the child if abortion is totally banned. What kind of life will an unwanted child live? Will the infant be loved or will it face abuse and neglect? Will it suffer mental and physical problems? Will the mother suffer or even die if forced to bear a child, when doing so is life-threatening?
Do I long for the “Good olde days”? Not really. I like my X-box, my Ipad, World-Wide-Web, Netflix, Pandora, air-conditioning, my car that can go cross-country without a flat, Sam’s Club, Costo, Menard’s and even Walmart. Would I like to be a teenager again? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!
I love my church, the American Legion, VFW, Vietnam Vets, my family, people, and my band “Down the Glen” I love my guitars and most music. I love mountains, flowers, quiet evenings around a campfire next to a lake with my guitar.
I love little puppies and kittens, ice cream, anything chocolate, Mexican or Thai food, chipped beef and gravy on toast, liver and onions, fast food, Dr. Pepper, cashew nuts, raisins, limburger cheese, brie, sushi, lobster, and crab. Oh heck, I guess I just like food!
What do I dislike? Most politicians, succotash, the flu, TV commercials, getting old, neighborhood dogs that bark all night, solar farms, internet spam, dummies that mow their lawn after bedtime, car speakers and exhaust pipes that you hear a block away, junk mail, weeds in my lawn, criticism, Woke philosophy, anti-semitism, and idiots that tell me I am in a cult because I go to church! Most of all I don’t like people who think they know it all. They really annoy those of us that do!